December 21, 2012

Elm Valley Farm Natural Product Line

December has been filled with lots of learning and home made goodness. Apart from learning how to render beeswax and lard, I've been learning how to do all sorts of natural products.  And NO I am NOT a crafty person so this is such a fun learning curve. 

This stems from my love of all things Natural, Luxurious  and CHEAP :)  If I can learn to make my own products and sell the extras all the better!

I'm hoping to be ready for the farmer's market in the spring, offering a Natural Product line to supplement our farm income of beef/poultry and eggs. 

Having the flu ravage our family twice this fall has forced us to just be together. I'm enjoying this time with the kids. Life is too short and I'm not letting these years of play pass me by. 

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